
新聞怎麼看? -- 孕婦與生魚片

最近有個一閃而過的新聞: 先生體恤懷孕的老婆, 所以兩人吃壽司大餐, 結果發現裡面有一隻看起來像是蟲的異物, 但是業者說是螺肉的邊云云.

當然, 不管那是個什麼, 有噁心圖片的爆點, 媒體不會放過. 但是這個新聞的重點是, 懷孕的婦女不應該吃生魚片! 生魚片或是任何未煮全熟的食物, 對孕婦來說都是不適合的, 包括不是全熟的牛排甚至一些起司. 因為未煮全熟的食物, 有病菌甚或寄生蟲的隱憂, 平常對免疫系統正常的成人或許影響不大, 但是懷孕中的婦女本身可能因為免疫力下降等需要注意不說, 還要擔心胎兒感染的問題等, 所以不建議攝取這些高危險的食物.

奇怪的是, 一天到晚有明星名人說懷孕時去吃生魚片的事, 也沒人出來說個話, 搞的積非成是變成是該做甚至進補的事了. 拜託一下, 這個社會需要基礎生物學, 甚或基礎科學, 就像學基礎數學讓人搞的清楚數字不會被騙一樣, 學基礎生物也是必須的.


Nessun Dorma 公主徹夜未眠

最近"IL DIVO" 到我的戶籍地表演, 基於好奇, 我上網搜尋了關鍵字"IL DIVO" + "Nessun Dorma", 居然沒有!!! 連Michael Bolton 都唱過了, 這個四個團員中有兩個男高音的新男子美聲團體居然沒有唱過!!!

*研究了一下, 覺得IL DIVO 只是一個行銷手法很高明的團體, 找幾個外型聲音俱佳的輕熟男, 認真正經的把一些名曲唱一唱--所謂的結合古典與流行, 中間夾雜一些各自的歐洲語言--所謂的跨國際異國情調, 再加上每張都很GQ的宣傳照, 就有了一個新的進階版精緻版男子團體. 但是也只是一個男子團體而已. 要不是因為這樣的搜尋讓我想寫一篇我的最愛之一, 還真的覺得不應該把他們放進Nessun Dorma/Pavarotti 的版面裏. 好吧, 就當是演唱會的熱身團體吧!

對我來說, 沒唱過Nessun Dorma 的男高音都不是我想聽的男高音, 但是問題是除了Pavarotti 唱的版本, 我又聽不下去. 我第一次聽到的Nessun Dorma 就是Pavarotti 的版本, 那種快感跟感動, 每一次聽都跟第一次聽一樣, 幾近ecstasy的狂愛. 生日時同學送我全版Turandot(當然是1972: Luciano Pavarotti, Joan Sutherland, Zubin Mehta 的版本), 我另有單片Pavarotti 的Nessun Dorma; 我住宿舍時因為美國室友很吵, 我全天候放這個, 放到我的印度室友特地來問我什麼這麼好聽, 也要去買.

聽其他大部分的男高音唱Nessun Dorma, 擔心大於享受; 就像聽Pavarotti 會興奮的尖叫, 聽別的男高音會失望的尖叫. 三大男高音已是到目前天下無敵, Plácido Domingo 和José Carreras 都可以唱的很好, 但是就是don't hit the spot. 之前有看過, 說Carreras 是抒情男高音, Domingo 是最適合演出整本歌劇的英雄式男高音, 而Pvarotti 是華麗式男高音. 與其說Carreras 轉折處的略哭腔, 和Domingo 金屬共鳴性太重是我不喜歡的部分, 不如說Pavarotti 的聲音太完美, 跟Nessun Dorma 天人合一的天作之合大概再難以出其右.

不連結了, 只要搜尋Pavarotti 就會有個Nessun Dorma 的連接選項; 這是Pavarotti 的歌, Giacomo Puccini 寫了以後, 就是為了等這一個不世出的天才. 而我們, 很幸運的都等到了.







Typhoon Morakot

Typhoon Morakot has severely damaged southern Taiwan. Do not worry, me and everyone I know are fine, and all my itinerary will be in the unaffected areas in Taiwan. In the past 10 days, many sad stories and many touching scenes have demonstrated the reality of mother nature and human nature. I feel the pain for all the victims and their families, I also feel very sad for this happening in Taiwan, but most of all, I really worry about the future for Taiwanese and any other human being on earth considering the unpredictable rebound force of global warming.

This morning, there was also a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Taiwan; we were waken up by earthquake in Japan, and now in Taiwan. Nature will always win, unless human can live harmonically with nature, we will always lose.

What will it become for all of us ? I do not know, I just hope I can do more for Taiwan, for earth and for human beings.

More than 64 countries and 12 international organizations have provided helps and assistance, thank you all.

For more information about Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan, please check CNN and BBC, these are two English newspapers from Taiwan:
China Post: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/
Taipei Times: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/


In the end, what is important ?

If in the end, nothing you can bring it away with you, not a dime you've earned, not a dime you've spent, not even our-physical-selves, then, what is important ?

We've seen those questions, in philosophy, in psychology, in conversations or just in our wildest dreams, questions stated that if there is only certain amount of time left, so on and so forth, what will we do ? There will be tons of answers featuring similar results -- spending time with our families, finally doing that thing we always want to do ...--, but I'm sure nothing will really change until we're really facing this question ourselves.

Fortunately most of my friends are in no hurry to think about this question, and surprisingly many of my acquaintances have never even encountered some one's else end of life. In a way, no one dies in dignity because of the physical body; but in another way, everyone dies in dignity because no one can touch your soul in a spiritual world -- if there is one.

I've read several books about life after life and/or life in between lives. Reference links for your interests (authors of the books I read):


Scientific background (especially for a hardcore Darwinist, genetics-based biologist I would like to be) has trained us to look away from all these "not-scientifically-proven(as we call it, that's an easy one.)" whatever that we don't want to (and/or can't) deal with.

But, com'on, I'm sure every current living soul would like it to be true, otherwise if we just ... die, then what is this all about ?

I really appreciate my experience, although I wish my family members would never leave me. In the end, what is important ? I think probably only the lives you've truly touched. In the end, who will be really sad over losing you ? Who will really appreciate you ? Who really knows you ? Who really loves you ? I know it sounds corny when we don't need to think about it, but believe me, in the end, life is just like that.

Sometimes I think probably I'll be like -- Cr*p ! None of the after-life thing is true ... [silent]...after I die, but I don't know, we don't know. So let's separate "life" into 3 parts: first part, life in living -- mostly referred to "now" and drifting back and forth in the past and future in our brains (I'm really interested in this "time-traveling" in our minds/brains, hopefully I'll be able to narrate my thoughts about it comprehensibly); second, before death and death itself; and third, life after death (hopefully there is one), and hopefully these 3 parts are connected into a circle by birth/re-birth, so I get to be ... not near-sighted ? No, so I get to be LIVE again !

But whatever it is, I just want to be with people I really love and care. Down to the bottom, life is always the same, no matter where you are(ok, I admit I just want to be in Taiwan ...), who you are, and what you are. Life is just living, everyone is just trying to get by for living. Additionally if we can do something good for the earth, the world and the human being -- at least try to be less harmful and more useful.

Appreciate life, if you don't, I wish there is a mechanism that people who want to commit suicide can give their lives to those who are fighting for it. But don't think too glamerous about it (especially about other people's life), down to the bottom, everyone is the same; down to the end, nothing is really important but those you love and those who love you.


瘦奶奶百日, 我三個月前的email. 100th day after my grandmom's repose, my email to re-post.

不好意思, 一直沒有聯絡. 我的另一個外婆, 瘦奶奶, 已於三月十四日過世. 我在不到三個月的時間內失去了我的兩個外婆, 加上十四年前過世的外公, 我最重要最愛的三個人都已經不在這個世上. 瘦奶奶最後一個月受了很多的苦, 但是她撐著到我農曆生日的那一天. 這次整件事都很奇怪, 我想胖奶奶,瘦奶奶兩個親姊妹一輩子九十年的朝夕相處, 這樣的緣分誰也捨不下誰吧. 我很痛很痛, 人生跟世界對我來說再也不一樣了. 但是大家不要擔心, 我還是會一樣的, 我現在唯一的希望就是能把他們都生回來, 或是有一天我可以跟他們三個人生生世世永永遠在一起, 我只要他們三個, 我們再也不要分開. 希望大家一起幫我想願, 並獻一柱心香.
我會於三月三十日回台北一趟, 待到四月二日. 我已先辦休學, 還沒有定回程機票的時間, 大概會待到四月下旬. 謝謝大家的支持及幫助.

Sorry for not keeping in touch, my "thin" grandma passed away on March, 14th. I've lost both of my grandmas on my mother side in less than 3 months, together with my grandpa on my mother side who passed away 14 years ago, I've lost all three most important, most beloved persons for me in the world. Thin grandma suffered a tremendous deal in her last month, but she waited until my birthday in Chinese Lunar calendar. The whole thing is very strange, many things I can't explain; both of my grandmas on my mother side are blood sisters who have lived together side by side for 90 years, I think the special affinity and connection in between them have made them inseparable. This is extremely painful for me; the whole world and the rest of my life will never be the same for me any more. But please do not worry about me, I am still the same, my all and only hopes are that they will come back as my children in the future, so I can have another chance to protect them, to take care of them; and/or I can join them one day, and be with all three of them forever; they are all I want, and we will never separate any more. I hope you can wish this for me, and pray for all three of them.
I'll be in Taipei from March 30th~April 2nd, and then back to Taichung. I've left my school and I have not booked the return date, most likely I'll be back to the US in late April.
Thank you very much for all your helps and supports.








2008 在世人有太多好的期待卻有太多壞的發生中結束了. 2009 似乎在沒有任何期待中不得不的到了.


我在這次金融風暴始作俑者的美國.這裡,很多店關了,連掛著"Unlike others, we're here to stay."的店也關了;很多房屋在賣,隨便去逛個街,遇到的陌生人告訴我他們失去了貸款中的房子;很多從成立以來就沒打過折的牌子都在一波波的打折,我每天一開email,都是促銷的信件,從來不打折的牌子變成一天寄七封emails告訴我他們在折扣.油價從漲到很多老美因為開美國車而一個月的油錢相當於房租到跌到幾乎是十年前的油價(然後老美又以為他們贏了);這一切只是開始.

2008 的諾貝爾經濟獎給了一個Princeton的經濟學教授Paul Krugman,因為他數年前準確的預測了這一次的金融風暴(只是他也說他沒想到會發生的這麼快這麼嚴重),但是就像聖誕夜過世的政治學者Samuel P. Huntington曾經準確的預測了911恐怖攻擊;這些人跟每天可以看到的美國人差太遠了,再出幾個這樣的人,出幾個這樣的理論,美國還是會萬劫不負的往下走下去,只有八十一歲的Samuel Huntington1跟其他絕大多數的老美一樣在安養院過世是美國的現實.

歐巴馬的出現既不代表種族主義的結束,更不代表美國有了救贖.-馬大師在此預言先.這跟馬英九的出現不代表台灣藍綠對立的結束是一樣的.每個地方都有其自己的背景文化習性環境,尤其在這民主的時代,領導者甚或整個政府對人民的影響是有限的,誰當選,選民都是一樣的.歐巴馬的四大政策方向不差,但是每一個都需要動輒上千億的美金,美國的國債已經高到要換新的電子表版了(因為位數不夠...),長久以來的宗教背景,教育文化甚而最令人的詬病的醫藥保險都不會有實質上的改變的.所有"Yes, We can."的政見我都敢說"No, they can NOT.".

