
Old classmates, New-claimed friends ~

Old classmates, New-claimed friends ~
Getting married is a whole lot of tasks itself, especially when in a place like Taiwan -- a combination of traditional Chinese and newfound Western flavors. Although we've cut out 2/3 of the typical Taiwanese wedding procedures, still, the preparation work makes me wonder if the wedding or the marriage itself is the part of the most work.

In Chinese traditions, once one is invited to a wedding banquet formally with the invitation card, then one needs to give money as a gift even not going to attend the banquet; therefore the often red color invitation card has a nick name "red-bomb", since whoever gets "bombed" needs to pay. So, it becomes rather hard to send the invitation or not; some people may consider being "bombed" to get certain wedding invitations; some, on the other hand, may consider being insulted not getting invited.

I tried to ask my friends as personally as I could if they could come, and only send out the invitation to those who will come to the wedding. The whole process allows me to get re-aquatinted to my old classmates, and that is a sweet-bitter very unique experience. I've been outside of Taiwan most of the time for the past 9 years, so I am really touched to see some of my friends to be so excited and helpful.

I wish I can spend more time in Taiwan with my family and friends here in the future, and I wish I can spend more time with my friends anywhere in the future.


6/11, 我的婚紗經驗2

一個小動作,may cost your business.






6/5, 我的婚紗經驗1


第一天就殺去所謂最有名的婚紗店之二,之前有聽說有些店家會狗眼看人低,不過還是想親身試驗。第二家去看的「茱X亞」(請自行解碼),我到現在還在想為什麼這家可以定價這麼高?首先,服務態度真的不是很好,店裡員工都是較年長的,在說明時,他們能做的說的不多,倒是先調查起客人,外請新密是誰,在哪宴客等等,而且對每個問題的答案都可以提出意見,一副我都知道的樣子。攝影我也很有疑問,店員搬來的相簿中,除了指定(額外再加錢)攝影師拍的不錯,其他的相本都是我已經看了半本多,店員提醒一句:這是XX主播,這是XX明星,我才恍然大悟(因為看不出來)。別家我是以為路人是名人,這家我是錯把名人當路人。店家並再三強調他們不喜歡用名人背書,然而卻是唯一一家我看到展示的相本中有明星客戶簽名的地方。再下來服裝,店員當場拿出三套白紗做展示,因為是同時展示給一堆新客人,所以我猜是他們家好的婚紗,樣式其實普普,都是裙襬秀一圈珠花亮片這樣,我這人還蹲下來仔細看繡的珠花亮片,ㄟ,~ 還可以看見線頭。我還因為親友推薦下特地看了某一套晚禮服,只見深藍色的很普通的亮片禮服上,露出白色的線頭補綴。等到展示完這些,初次見面的店員還會開始說他們的老闆優惠只給兩種客人,一種是在別家拍壞的,一種是很相信他們家的,從小立志當茱X亞新娘的 ... 所以基本上是要看我們的喜歡度跟信仰 ...
ㄟ,我從小連立志當新娘都沒有,還哪家婚紗的新娘咧,再加上我平時也沒有信仰,這時要去信仰一個婚紗公司也難 ... 所以我回家就把名片給丟了(喔,對了,店員還給我們兩張說可以去幫他們推薦 ...)。我還是納悶,我去的真的是大家現在很熱門的那個茱X亞嗎?比別人高的定價卻沒有一樣讓我覺得可以及格之處。


6/4, Taipei, Taiwan, Home.

My plane landed in Taipei early morning local time; it's the raining season and the dense white fog outside of my windows confused me if I'm still up in the clouds. I couldn't wait to be back home; rainy, finally pulls me back to the fact that I'm in a Taiwanese airline plane for the past almost 20 hours, despise that more than 80 % of the passengers are transferring to their destinations in the South-East Asia. Once I walked out of my plane, the humidity adds on to the rainy weather, I know I'm home, that's how Taipei should be, and that's how my home should be. I'm glad, I'm home.